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  • NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit 2.0

    NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit 2.0

    The NEXTFLEX® rapid DNA-seq 2.0 kit is designed to prepare multiplexed libraries for single or paired-end sequencing using Illumina® platforms.

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  • NEXTFLEX® Cell Free DNA-Seq Library Prep Kit 2.0

    NEXTFLEX® Cell Free DNA-Seq Library Prep Kit 2.0

    The NEXTFLEX® Cell Free DNA-Seq Kit 2.0 can produce libraries from 10 ng of cell free DNA for circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) or cell free fetal DNA (cffDNA) analysis, in two hours. This low-input library preparation kit delivers high coverage quality and reduced bias for Illumina® sequencing applications.

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  • NEXTFLEX  Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq Kit

    NEXTFLEX Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq Kit

    The NEXTFLEX Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq Kit combines enzymatic fragmentation with end-repair and A-tailing in one reaction to create a highly efficient first step in library generation, which is followed by ligation and PCR (optional for PCR-free workflows). This effective one-tube workflow produces DNA-seq libraries with consistent library size, high yield, low GC-bias, and high coverage.

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